In this era of smartphones, almost everyone using a smartphone is on the cloud. We try to explain some myths about Cloud Storage and Computing.
We started this decade with a lot of disasters. The year 2020 has been a tough one. Wildfires, protests, and the pandemic has shaken the working system of the world. We locked ourselves into our houses, and businesses were closed. Many companies were able to continue their work amid the pandemic because of working remotely in the lockdown. “Work From Home” has become a new norm. All because of the cloud technology, which a lot of the companies have adopted in recent years.
Cloud storage is something that many non-techy people don’t understand and have many myths about it. Some are bluntly stupid, while others are understandable. Here’s are a few of them with some possible explanation for debunking them.

Myth 1. Files stored on the cloud are located in the atmosphere.
Many people, especially those non-technological, believe that cloud storage has something to do with the clouds in the sky. If it rains, their data may get corrupted or lost forever. They also believe that atmospheric disturbance could affect computing.
The simplest way we can explain it is in this way. When you upload files in the cloud, Your files are stored in someone else’s computer remotely instead of your computer. These files can be accessed anywhere, any time, and on any device from a remote location. It is like moving your flash drive to the Internet. Millions of remote servers are used to store data remotely, which can be accessed at any time. That is the basic concept of cloud storage.
Myth 2. The cloud is just online storage.
Generally, we think that the cloud is used only for storage, but that’s not the only way to use it. You can use the cloud for computing, processing big data, Healthcare, Governance, Marketing platforms. Once you move your workload from your on-premises devices to the cloud, many possibilities could come up. Services like Gmail, Facebook, and Drive use it for storage and computing. Some companies provide marketing platforms based on the cloud.
Myth 3. Cloud is for IT Companies. I don’t need the cloud.
The truth is, You are already using the cloud if you are an average smartphone user. Your phone’s data backup feature. Where do you think photo backups are stored. Most of the Apps on your phone use cloud computing to process data. Cloud has the potential to serve almost everyone, and we are already in the cloud.
Examples of cloud usage for end-users and people:
- Data storage
- Photos storage
- Device Backups
- Location Service
- Social Media
- Online Banking
- Online Shopping
- Cloud-based services (Google Drive, Netflix, etc.)
Myth 4. Cloud is only for Big Companies.
Cloud is for any sized company, whether big or small. It is flexible, and everyone can use it. You can migrate to the cloud fully or partially. Small businesses like restaurants can use the cloud to track employees, food materials, and popular menus. Gyms can use it to maintain a proper schedule for trainers. Marketing teams can use it to track and manage their campaigns efficiently. Sales teams can use cloud-based CRMs to manage and track clients. The possibilities are endless.
Myth 5. Data on the Cloud is Insecure.
The most common myth that I have heard is that data stored on the cloud is insecure. Although this myth is understandable, it is incorrect to say that cloud storage companies don’t focus on security. Security is the top focus for them, and they hire top-notch security experts who follow all the guidelines. Your data cannot be accessed by any Cloud service employees either. It is hidden from them with proper standard encryptions and secure access.
The storage premises and data centers are also physically secured with high-level securities. Premises are CCTV monitored and even secured with barriers so that there is no outside intrusion. Storing data on-premises and own servers are more insecure because of the lack of backups. You can’t protect them from natural disasters either.
Myth 6. Cloud Services Are Expensive
Yes and no. Although it seems expensive at first, especially for small companies and businesses, In the long run, it becomes profitable. If you properly consider and make a plan of how you want to migrate and whether partially or completely, You can save money as well as make a profit. There are many costs inculcated in data storage, and they decrease when you pool the expenses. You can read the article on “How much does Data storage cost on-premises and in the cloud?“
Some straight facts.
- Cloud storage is becoming one of the most favorite ways to save your data.
- Half of US Government agencies use the cloud.
- 2014 was the first year when the cloud took a majority of the workload in the market.
- Security of Cloud is trusted more nowadays than traditional ways.
- You are reading this. It is on the cloud.
Cloud is the way of the future, and the future is now. A lot of companies have already migrated to the cloud and made a profit in at least some part of their business. Cloud always wins in comparison with on-premises infrastructure, Of course, if used properly.